Create 3D Post for Facebook in Photoshop

Everyone is willing to post 3D photos in Facebook but might be unable to post directly due to no supportive device for recording or posting but if you know Photoshop then nothing is impossible.

Then let’s see how we can create this, check result by clicking here.

First select which photo you wish to convert in 3D as shown below.

Next create grayscale map by separately selecting image objects.

Note: Background must be black and then reduce black and subject must be white.

And finally save both files in same format but by going to file and select save for web option.

Next original pic name is saved as example 3Dpic.jpg then the map is saved as 3Dpic_depth.jpg.

Depth map. Must be saved in depth with file name otherwise you can’t get 3D.

Then finally upload both photos in desktop and you will see the magic.

So just add your 3D photo and tag me in it or comment.

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